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HOLSWORTHY MARKET Weekly Prime & Store Market to inc Special Sale of Couples & In Lamb Ewes

  • Date: 12 February 2025
  • Time: 09:45am


Gates Open 6 AM Sale to include: 

Prime Cattle, OTM Cattle, Cull Cows & Store Cattle 

Prime Lambs / Hoggs, Store Lambs, Breeding & Draft Ewes 

PLUS Special Sale of Couples & In Lamb Ewes to include 70 Suffolk x Mule and North Country Mule 2T in lamb Ewes, all scanned in lamb to Texel & Charollais Rams, due end of March. In Heptivac P System PLUS 20-30 Couples to include 7 Suffolk x FM doubles and 10 Suffolk x and Texel x 2 & 4T singles 

Calves & Stirks 

For further details please contact Holsworthy office 01409 253275 

SALE TIMES: 9.45am Draft Ewes followed by Finished Lambs / Hoggs, 10.30am approx. Store Sheep, 9:45am Calves & Stirks, 11am Store Cattle followed by Prime Cattle, OTM Cattle & Cull Cows


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